For the first time ever, Can-Am has won the King of the Hammers race. If that wasn’t sweet enough of a victory, Can-Am swept the podiums with all three spots taken by team Can-Am!
1st Place – Hunter Miller

After trailing Kyle Chaney for first half of the race, Hunter took advantage of Chaney rolling his Can-Am X3 and over took him to finish 1st in the 2020 King of the Hammers! You can watch the finish line interview with Kyle here.
2nd Place – Kyle Chaney

Kyle Chaney battled for a first place win all morning with a cracked transmission case, draining all trans fluids and ultimately rolling his UTV. After rolling his Can-Am X3, he was unable to flip it back over before getting passed by Hunter Miller. Kyle and co-driver eventually used a Pro Eagle jack to right the car, but Kyle ended up holding onto the car as it rolled back down the hill resulting in his foot being ran over by his own car. Like a true racer, he jumped back into the car and was able to overcome lost power steering to result in a 2nd place win!
3rd Place – Phil Blurton

After a 10th place qualifying, Phil Blurton and co-driver drove a hard and clean race, masterfully navigating all obstacles and coming through with a clean third place win!
You can rewatch all of the 2020 King of the Hammers racing below:
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2020 King of the Hammers Results
Source: Ultra 4 Racing PosNo.NameLapsTotal TmDiffClass1190Hunter Miller204:29:44.201 UTV2191Kyle Chaney204:32:24.93500:02:40.734UTV3944Phil Blurton204:36:17.55200:06:33.351UTV456Mitch Guthrie Snr204:47:14.38600:17:30.185UTV571Nathan Wolff204:55:05.22400:25:21.023UTV6222Trey Mckinlay205:07:21.64400:37:37.443UTV72Casey Currie205:08:49.99600:39:05.795UTV81910Jason Weller205:28:07.02900:58:22.828UTV9221Cody Miller205:30:34.24901:00:50.048UTV10922Nicholas Turner205:36:54.78001:07:10.579UTV111945Blake Van de Loo205:42:16.00301:12:31.802UTV124932Scott Lesage205:46:32.29601:16:48.095UTV13954Austin …
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